Grants & Awards
Research Grants
14- NSF - Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Core Programs (PI) ($600,000.00) (2025-2028)
Grant proposal title: RUI: Investigating ATP's Influence on Ferritin Structure, Function, and Cellular Iron Homeostasis
13- Cottrell Scholar Postbac Award ($50,000) (2023-2024)
12- NSF - Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Molecular and Biophysics Program (PI) ($950,000.00) (2023-2026).
Grant proposal title: NSF-BSF: Regulating iron homeostasis by controlling the fate of intracellular ferritin
11- NSF REPS Grant Award (Molecular & Cellular Biophysics Program) (PI) ($64,016.00) (2021-2022). DCL-Research Experience for Post-Baccalaureate Students (REPS) in the Biological Sciences.
10- NIH-R15 Grant (PI) ($414,047.00) (2019-2022)
Grant proposal title: Effect of ferritin subunit composition on iron core formation, morphology, and iron mobilization: physical characterization and physiological relevance.
9- NSF RUI (MCB Molecular Biophysics Program) Grant (PI) ($387,030.00) (2020-2023)
Grant proposal title: RUI: Structural and Functional Investigations of Ferritin Heteropolymers Using a Novel Expression System.
8- Research Corporation for Science Advancement, Cottrell Instrumentation Supplements Award (RCSA grant ID #27452) (PI) ($18,500) (2020-2021)
7- The Eppley’s Foundation for Research (PI) ($22,651.00) (2019-2021) Grant proposal title: Gold Nanoparticles for Lead Detection in Drinking Water.
6- The Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (PI) ($60,000.00) – (2016-2021) Grant proposal title: Iron Oxidation and Deposition Mechanisms in WT Heteropolymer Ferritins and Ferritin Variants Causing Neuroferritinopathy
5- Urling and Mabel Walker Research Fellowship Award (PI) ($10,000.00) (2016 & 2020)
Grant proposal title (1): Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Our Drinking Water. Why We Should Care? ($5,000.00)
Grant proposal title (2): Design of a Sensor for Lead Detection in Drinking Water ($5,000.00)
4- Professor Fadi Bou-Abdallah of the Chemistry Department at SUNY Potsdam was awarded an Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the amount of $260,611.00 (2015-2018). The research project “Heteropolymer Ferritins Structure-Function Studies” seeks to understand how iron, an essential trace element required for most living organisms, is taken up and released by ferritin, the major iron storage protein and how certain mutations in this protein can lead to debilitating iron-related diseases.
3- Research Corporation (Cottrell College Science Awards, CCSA), ($48,775.00), 2008-2011
2- National Science Foundation–Major Research Instrumentation Program (NSF-MRI), ($126,525.00), 2009-2012
1- American Chemical Society Innovative Projects Grant Program ($10,000.00), 2009-2018
Internal Funding-SUNY Potsdam
- 2021 Lougheed Applied Learning Grant ($10,250.00): Acquisition of a Digital Chemiluminescent Imaging System AZURE 280, Summer 2021
- Gilchrist summer 2021 Research Stipends ($2,550.00), Summer 2021
- Faculty-Undergraduate Summer Research Program ($3,500.00), Summer 2008
- Kilmer Undergraduate Research Apprenticeships ($10,700.00), 2008-present
- Presidential Scholars ($4,200.00), 2008-2014
- Grant Writing Initiative Award ($2,000.00), 2009-present
- Student-Faculty Travel Awards ($5,300.00), 2009-present
- Professional Development Grant Program ($2,050.00), 2009-2021
- United University Professions (UUP) Individual Development Award ($1850.00), 2010-2014
- Research and Creative Endeavors Award ($3000), 2008-2014
- CSTEP Summer Research Award ($16,500.00), 2008-2016
SUNY Distinguished Professor (2024)
Press Release:
Chem Division Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Outstanding Mentorship Award (2021)
Press Release:
Council on Undergraduate Research
Press release:
Thomas L. and Jane D. Russell Distance Education Faculty Excellence Award (2017)
The Henry-Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (2016). A press release was published on the SUNY Potsdam College website, in North Country Now and The Dreyfus Foundation
The T. Urling and Mabel Walker Research Fellowship Award (2016):
– Research Project Title: “Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Our Drinking Water. Why We Should Care”?
President Kristin Esterberg presenting Dr. Fadi Bou-Abdallah the SUNY Chancellor Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
President’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, State University of New York – Potsdam – May 2013
President J. F. Schwaller awarding Fadi Bou-Abdallah the SUNY Potsdam President’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
“Excellence in Research” Award, University of New Hampshire – April 2006