Lab Member News
Congratulations to Maximilian Beyer and Colby Hladun for their two papers on the use of gold nanoparticles to detect and quantify proteins and toxic metals (lead and chromium 6). Both papers were featured on the cover of the RSC journal Analytical Methods. (AuNPs-Protein Paper, AuNPs-Lead Paper)
Congratulations to Mohamed Boumaiza, Ayush K. Srivastava, Rebekah Tardif, and Maximilian Beyer for their paper on the interactions between NCOA4 and ferritin published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
Congratulations to Rebekah Tardif for earning 1st place in the Frederick B. Kilmer Research Award competition in the Sciences (April 2024). The title of her presentation was: "Engineering Human Heteropolymer Ferritin Towards Understanding Subunits Self-Assembly".
Congratulations to Ayush Srivastava and Mohamed Boumaiza on their Nature Comm paper:
Fabian Hoelzgen, Thuy T. P. Nguyen, Elina Klukin, Mohamed Boumaiza, Ayush K. Srivastava, Elizabeth Y. Kim, Ran Zalk, Anat Shahar, Sagit Cohen-Schwartz, Esther G. Meyron-Holtz, Fadi Bou-Abdallah, Joseph D. Mancias, Gabriel A. Frank. Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 3802 (2024).
Congratulations to Ayush Srivastava, Aliaksandra A. Reutovich, and Nathan J. Hunter for their publication in the Nature Portfolio - Scientific Reports journal:
Ayush K. Srivastava, Aliaksandra A. Reutovich, Nathan J. Hunter, Paolo Arosio, Fadi Bou‑Abdallah. Ferritin microheterogeneity, subunit composition, functional, and physiological implications. Nature, Scientific Reports (2023) 13:19862,
Congratulations to Aliaksandra (Sasha) and Dr. Aysuh Srivastava on their review paper in BBA:
Reutovich, A.A., Srivastava, A.A., Arosio, P., Bou-Abdallah, F. Ferritin Nanocages as Efficient Nanocarriers and Promising Platforms for COVID-19 and Other Vaccines Development. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2023, 1867 (3), 130288
Congratulations to Ayush, Lucas, Aliaksandra (Sasha), Nick, Nathan, and Gideon on their recent publications (below), and thanks for a productive 2022 year! Keep up the good work.
Srivastava, A.K., Scalcione, L.J., Arosio, P., Bou-Abdallah, F. Hyperthermostable Recombinant Human Heteropolymer Ferritin Derived from a Novel Plasmid Design. Protein Science 2022,
Longo, T., Kim, S., Srivastava, A.K., Hurley, L., Ji, K., Viescas, A.J., Flint, N., Foucher, A., Yates, D.M., Stach, E.A., Papaefthymiou, G.C., Bou-Abdallah, F. Micromagnetic and morphological characterization of heteropolymer human ferritin cores. Nanoscale Adv. 2022
Aliaksandra A. Reutovich, Ayush K. Srivastava, Gideon L. Smith, Alexandre Foucher, Douglas M. Yates, Eric A. Stach, Georgia C. Papaefthymiou, Paolo Arosio, and Fadi Bou-Abdallah. Effect of Phosphate and Ferritin Subunit Composition on the Kinetics, Structure, and Reactivity of the Iron Core in Human Homo and Heteropolymer Ferritins. Biochemistry 2022, 61, 19, 2106–2117
Gideon L. Smith, Ayush K. Srivastava, Aliaksandra A. Reutovich, Nathan J. Hunter, Paolo Arosio, Artem Melman, Fadi Bou-Abdallah. Iron Mobilization from Ferritin in Yeast Cell Lysate and Physiological Implications. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 6100.
Congratulations to Dr. Srivastava (Ayush) for his publication in the Journal of Molecular Biology (2021). The study describes a unique approach that uses a novel plasmid design to synthesize the first human heteropolymer ferritin nanostructure.
Congratulations to Sasha and Gideon for their publication in Biochim Biophys Acta (2021) which looked into a suitable dye to study Calcium signaling in skeletal muscle.
Warmest Congratulations to Sasha (Aliaksandra Reutovich) for receiving the 2021-2022 Barry Goldwater Scholarship Award
Congratulations to Sasha, Ayush, Cass, and Ruth for receiving the following research awards:
Sasha: SUNY Potsdam Provost’s Award for Excellence in Student Research (2021)
Ayush: Best Graduate Poster Presentation at the 2021 NNY section of ACS 11th Annual Research Symposium (2nd place).
Cass: Best Undergraduate Poster Award at the 2021 NNY section of ACS 11th Annual Research Symposium (2nd Place)
Ruth: Frederick B. Kilmer Research Award 2021 (1st place)
SUNY Potsdam 2021 Learning and Research Fair Award Winners
Congratulations to Gideon Smith for winning the 2021 Undergraduate Pchem Award
Congratulations to Sasha, Gideon, Ayush, Ruth and Cass for their collaborative efforts on understanding the complexation of ferrous ions by 2 common iron chelators (Ferrozine, Bipyridine and Phenanthroline). J., Inorg. Biochem. 2021, Vol 220, 111460
Congratulations to Aiden and Michael for their first paper as undergraduate researchers in my lab, studying the antioxidant activity of several mushroom species. J. Agr. Food Res. 4, 2021, 100130
Congratulations to Gideon Smith on his 2nd paper entitled ” Fenretinide binding to the lysosomal protein saposin D alters ceramide solubilization and hydrolysis” in RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 2020.
Congratulations to Nicholas Flint and Heidi Kreckel on their Biochemistry paper entitled “Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies of the Nuclear Receptor Coactivator-4 (NCOA4) Interaction with Human Ferritin. Biochemistry, 2020.
Congratulations to Gideon Smith and Aliaksandra (Sasha) Reutovich on their first peer-reviewed paper highlighted on the cover of Metallomics. The paper is co-authored by SUNY Potsdam alumni Justin McNally and Matthew Mehlenbacher.
Congratulations to Nicholas Flint on his first peer-reviewed paper highlighted on the cover of Metallomics.
Congratulations to Nicholas Flint for winning the 2019 undergraduate Pchem Award and The Kilmer Apprenticeship Award (3nd place) during the Learning and Research Fair Poster Competition at SUNY Potsdam, April 24, 2019.
Congratulations to John Paliakkara for winning the SUNY Chancellor’s Award 2019.
Congratulations to John Paliakkara for winning the Ram L. Chugh North Country Research & Public Service Awards (2nd place) during the Learning and Research Fair Poster Competition at SUNY Potsdam, April 25, 2018.
Congratulations to Matthew Mehlenbacher for his paper published in Biochemistry (2017). This is Matt’s 4th paper as an undergraduate in my lab. Way to Go Matt!
Congratulations to Britannia Smith for her published paper in the Wiley journal ChemPhotoChem (2017). The study was featured on the cover of the journal. This is Brit’s 4th paper in my lab. Way to Go Brit!
Congratulations to Spurgeon Smith for his first publication in the Journal of Thermodynamics and Catalysis (2017)
Congratulations to Lara Varden & Britannia Smith for their recent papers in the American Journal of Analytical Chemistry (2017) & the Journal of Chromatography & Separations Techniques. (2017)
Congratulations to Sam Sprague, Britannia Smith, and Thomas Giffune for their recent paper in the journal of Chemical Thermodynamics:
– Bou-Abdallah, F., Sprague, S. E., Smith, B. M., Giffune, T. R. Binding Thermodynamics of Diclofenac and Naproxen with Human and Bovine Serum Albumins: A Calorimetric and Spectroscopic Study. J. Chem Therm., 2016, 103, 299–309.Congratulations to Britannia Smith, Matthew Mehlenbacher and Thomas Giffune for being co-authors on the following papers:
– Xu, D., Ran, Q., Xiang, Y., Jiang, L., Smith, B. M., Bou-Abdallah, F., Lund, R., Li, Z., Dong, H. Toward Hemocompatible Self-assembling Antimicrobial Nanofibers: Synergistic Effect of Supramolecular Structure and PEGylation. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 15911-15919.
– Huta, B. P., Mehlenbacher, M. R., Nie, Y., Lai, X.-L., Zubieta, C., Bou-Abdallah, F., Doyle, R. P. The Lysosomal Protein Saposin B Binds Chloroquine. Chem. Med. Chem, Wiley Publications, (highlighted on the journal’s cover) 2016, 11, 277-282.
– Bou-Abdallah, F. Giffune, T. The Thermodynamics of Protein Interactions with Essential 1st Row Transition Metals. Biochim Biophys Acta 2016, 1860 (5), 879–891Congratulations to Tyson Terpstra and Matthew Mehlenbacher for their 2015 papers in BBA and Inorganica Chimica Acta.
Congratulations to Adeola Awomolo, Brenna Cooper, Tyson Terpstra, Justin McNally, Huidong Yang and Matthew Mehlenbacher for their recent papers, all of whom are SUNY Potsdam students who have graduated and are currently pursuing careers in the sciences.
Congratulations to Tyson Terpstra, Justin McNally for their paper “Direct Thermodynamic and Kinetic Measurements of Fe2+ and Zn2+ Binding to Human SerumTransferrin” published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2014, Volume 136, Pages 24–32.
Congratulations to Matthew Mehlenbacher for his recent paper entitled “The Antimalarial Drug Atovaquone Binds to Saposin B with Comparable Affinity to Coenzyme Q10” published in the journal of Medicinal Chemistry Communication, 2014.
Congratulations to Matthew Mehlenbacher for winning the 1st place of the Fredrick B. Kilmer Undergradaute Research Award during the Learning and Research Fair Poster Competition at SUNY Postdam, April 23, 2014. Matthew also presented a poster at the 22nd Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference which took place on April 11-13, 2014 at the Sagamore Resort in Bolton Landing, NY and was awarded the 1st prize of the poster competition.
Congratulations to Brenna Cooper, Adeola Awomolo and Huidong Yang for their first research paper in the ACS journal Biochemistry: “Functionality of the Three-Site Ferroxidase Center of E. coli Bacterial Ferritin (EcFtnA)”. Biochemistry, 2014, 53 (3), pp 483–495.
Congratulations to Tyson Terpstra for winning the 1st place of the Fredrick B. Kilmer Undergraduate Research Award.
Congratulations to Matthew Mehlenbacher for winning the 1st place Oral Presentation at the 4th Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Chemistry Research Symposia, Northern NY Section of the American Chemical Society, April 21st 2012, St Lawrence Univ., Canton, NY
Congratulations to the SUNY Potsdam Team for Winning the 1st place of the Chemistry Jeopardy Game – November 16, 2013, at the ChemQuest event, sponsored Northern NY Section of the American Chemical Society, Clarkson, Univ., 2013
Congratulations to the SUNY Potsdam Team for Winning the 1st place of the Jeopardy Game – October 29, 2011.
Congratulations to Justin McNally and Tyson Terpstra for their two recent publications
Congratulations to Justin McNally who won the Kilmer Undergraduate Research Poster Excellence Award (1st place) – April 13, 2011
Congratulations to all research members (Brenna, Adeola, Banu, Justin and Huidong) who have been all awarded a Kilmer Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship – Sept 09.
Congratulations to Banu Kandemir who won the Kilmer Undergraduate Research Poster Excellence Award– Apr 09.
We also extend our congratulations to Banu whose first research paper was published online in the Journal of Molecular Recognition – August 2009.
Summer Research
Summer 2021: Aliaksandra Reutovich, Gideon Smith, Cassidy Welch conducted 10 weeks of summer research investigating ferritin structure-function relations, supported by NIH and NSF grants, the Kilmer Undergraduate Research and The Lougheed Applied Learning programs at SUNY Potsdam. Nathan Hunter (BS Biology) joined the lab in August 2020 as a Graduate Research Assistant.
Summer 2020: Aliaksandra Reutovich, Gideon Smith, and Kelly Bertrand conducted summer research (10, 10 and 4 weeks, respectively) investigating ferritin structure-function relationships, supported by NIH and NSF grants, and by an Eppley Foundation for research grant.
Summer 2019: Aliaksandra Reutovich, Gideon Smith, Jarisa Escalante conducted 4 weeks of summer research (July 29- August 30, 2019), supported by a CSTEP summer research award, a Kilmer apprenticeship, and a Henry-Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award.
Summer 2018: Nicholas Flint, Heidi Kreckel, and Aiden Farragher-Gnadt conducted 4 weeks of summer research (May 21 - June 22, 2018) supported by Kilmer Undergraduate Research Grants, a CSTEP Summer Research Award, and by an NIH R15 research grant.
John Paliakkara, and Aisha Laguda conducted 4 weeks of summer research (May 20-June 14, 2018); supported by a Henry-Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award.
Summer 2017: John Paliakkara, Alaa Farghli, Kedwin Ventura, and Daniel Coelho conducted summer research (May 22 - June 22, and August 14 - August 25, 2017) supported by Kilmer Undergraduate Research Grants and CSTEP Summer Research Awards
Lara Varden and Britannia Smith conducted 10 weeks of summer research investigating ferritin structure-function relations, neuroferritinopathy, and capillary electrophoresis studies of anions, cations, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in various water samples. Funding was provided by NIH/R15 grant and the SUNY Potsdam CSTEP program – Summer 2016.
Thomas Giffune, Britannia Smith and Abigail Widrick conducted 10 weeks of summer research internships in Dr. Bou-Abdallah’s lab at SUNY Potsdam. The internships were supported by his NIH R15 Grant – Summer 2015.
Matthew Mehlenbacher was awarded two consecutive summer internships (one supported by CSTEP, SUNY Potsdam and the other by the Frederick B. Kilmer Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship, SUNY Potsdam) to conduct summer research in Dr. Bou- Abdallah’s lab – Summers 2011 and 2013
Tyson Terpstra was awarded a summer internship (partly supported by the center for undergraduate research at SUNY Potsdam) to conduct summer research in Dr. Bou- Abdallah’s lab – Summer 2011
Justin McNally and Brenna Cooper have conducted summer research in Dr. Bou- Abdallah’s lab supported by a Research Corporation Grant- Summer 2010
Justin McNally, Brenna Cooper and Huidong have conducted summer research in Dr. Bou- Abdallah’s lab supported by a Research Corporation Grant- Summer 2009
Dr. Bou-Abdallah and Banu were the recipients of a Faculty Undergraduate Summer Research Program supported by the Research and Sponsored Office at SUNY Potsdam, Summer 2008